24/10/2021 21h26
Olha esse pequeno trecho em inglês do artigo do pai dele:
"His sons Sean Paul and Jason Jigzagula Henriques grown up in a multi-ethnic family as their paternal grandfather had Portuguese heritage and grandmother had Sephardic Jewish Heritage.
And not only that, his maternal grandfather was African, and Grandmother had Chinese heritage. So basically, they are half Portuguese, African and Chinese.
But for them, it must be enjoyable to be grown up knowing such different cultures and values."
Aqui ele seria considerado mestiço, ou mais conhecido como pardo.
"His sons Sean Paul and Jason Jigzagula Henriques grown up in a multi-ethnic family as their paternal grandfather had Portuguese heritage and grandmother had Sephardic Jewish Heritage.
And not only that, his maternal grandfather was African, and Grandmother had Chinese heritage. So basically, they are half Portuguese, African and Chinese.
But for them, it must be enjoyable to be grown up knowing such different cultures and values."
Aqui ele seria considerado mestiço, ou mais conhecido como pardo.