452  21/01/2016 13h38
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20/01/2016 23h18
He released the album "Let’s Dance", co-produced by Chic’s Nile Rodgers. Selling at least 7 million copies, the album became the most commercially successful album of his career.
eles respondem
21/01/2016 12h17
Coincidência interessante ele tinha minha idade no ano que eu nascia, não é nada não é nada, não é nada mesmo.
Mas vamos à pergunta: He created the hit "Under Pressure" in collaboration with Queen, which was later included in the 1982 Queen album "Hot Space".
21/01/2016 13h38
He married his first wife Angie Bowie. He released the legendary album "The Man Who Sold The World"
20/01/2016 23h05
He got his first hit in the UK with "Space Oddity". The song was used by BBC for the coverage of the moon landing.
Com que tipo de pessoa você não conseguiria conviver debaixo do mesmo teto?
Homens, vocês têm medo de tentar transar com a garota e ela dar para trás?