Muitos. Mas vou citar; God of War, Resident Evil 4, Mortal Kombat, Bomba Patch e GTA San Andreas. Esses eram o que eu mais jogava.
Saga God of War, Shadow of Rome, Mortal Kombat Armaggedon, Marvel vs Capcom, King Kong, Resident evil 4 entre muitos outros.
Vários, os que eu joguei, Gta San andreas, black, resident evil 4, resident evil code veronica, bomba patch, snes station (emulador de super nintendo), mortal kombat shaolin monks, need for speed underground 1, need for speed underground 2, need for speed most wanted, bully, medal of honor vanguard, call of duty 3, call of duty world at war, god hand, jet de go 2, sonic riders...